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Dressing Up

Welcome to DressingUpSunshine. My name is Nuru Msagha and this blog is dedicated to the expression of children’s style and trending fashion in East Africa.It is meant to be a fun and informative forum where parents can enjoy, share and explore the wonderful world of children’s fashion available to them.

The whole concept is to wear and share.  We can share details on where  we shop for our kids, the different quality of clothes in the market, how they handle after a couple of washes, where to get popular looks at friendlier price points, which international stores you are shopping from on-line… You get the picture!

“A picture is worth a thousand words” ;  It would be great if parents could post pictures of their kids in different outfits depending on the theme of the week (feel free to crop out or creatively hide their faces for their anonymity).

I started this blog because I am always curious where other mums are getting their children’s stuff from. As a first time mum, I find myself always questioning whether I am doing fine in the clothes department. You see, my  personal wardrobe is all comfort and very little style. I found out that this was not good enough for my Sunshine when she told me simply one day, “Mummy,  dress up well”.

DressingUpSunshine has a nothing but love policy so feel free to share details of your Sunshine’s wardrobe. All negativity, unrelated topics and unapproved advertisements will be swiftly deleted.

I would love to hear from you and any suggestions you have for the blog features. Wear and Share!

Thanks for stopping by.

Nothing but love,

Nuru Msagha.

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